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Nearly 300 teachers attended this year's Teacher Freedom Summit to learn how to counter tactics used by the [National Education Association] and [American Federation of Teachers], the two largest teachers' unions in the United States.

Advocates of current public schools often oppose Christian-based options, arguing religion has no place in government-funded education. In doing so, they disregard years of historical precedent where the nation intentionally supported and financed Christian instruction in public-school classrooms. The question has never been whether public education would be devoid of religious instruction, but to what extent the government should fund it.

Vice President Kamala Harris spearheaded an effort last year to push sexualized content and other liberal ideals in schools on behalf of the Biden administration.

A group of red states is asking the Supreme Court to take up a dispute over a school policy that prevents officials from disclosing to parents their child's gender preference including a change of name or pronouns while at school.

The K-12 educational scholarship program in West Virginia will officially be available to all students in fall 2026.

Amid criticism that public schools are failing to educate students, their teachers' unions seem focused on politics more than the classroom, critics say.

Public school districts nationwide are closing some schools permanently as they grapple with declining enrollment based on demographic changes and the explosion of interest in alternative education.

The Park City School District has released the results of a survey meant to gauge staff and parent opinions on cellphone use in schools.

A Boston-area teacher has been fired for speaking out against critical race theory on social media after a series of her contentious TikTok videos emerged.

Conservative school board members are under attack. The left is proving once again that they will not respect people’s privacy or legal rights.

While the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) is in the midst of contract negotiations asking taxpayers to cough up a staggering $50 billion, CTU President Stacy Davis Gates recently stated that conservatives do not want Black children to read. She even suggested it is “part of the oath they take to be right wing.”

Multiple school districts across Nevada have policies in place to push gender ideology on children and keep their claimed gender identities secret from parents, public records show.

Similar to college classrooms, middle and high schools across the U.S. are shifting the focus in the classroom to becoming less about homework and more about finals and testing. The goal is to replace what some are calling an outdated system for “equitable grading.”

In a fiery speech in Philadelphia this past Saturday, President Donald Trump vowed to completely shut down the Department of Education if he returns to the White House.

The group of public school teachers in New York behind anti-Israel walkouts has received funding from the George Soros-backed Tides Foundation.

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