Legal Cases

In rulings related to transgender issues, sex, and faith, parents and others have won a string of court cases for parents' rights and the First Amendment.

A lawsuit filed against the Evanston/Skokie School District 65 in Evanston alleges the school separated students and teachers by race .

...the pressure against ideological medicine paid off. Under intense and very public pressure, the WHO’s leaders clearly understood that the jig was up and issued a clarifying statement containing the astonishing admission

A federally funded “home visiting” program advises service providers to watch for signs of abuse against “gender-diverse children,” citing parents who deny their young child the “right” to cross-dress as an example, a document shows.

Red states tend to take one step forward and two steps back on inclusivity, asserted the next president of Missouri State University, Richard Williams.

Critics say DEI programs are discriminatory and attempt to solve racial discrimination by disadvantaging other groups, particularly White Americans.

The Kansas Legislature is expected to vote Thursday to join 22 other states in banning sex change surgeries and treatments on minors.

The NAACP’s letter stated that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis 'has made no effort to conceal his administration's devaluation of Black America'

For the past half-decade, amid overheated rhetoric contesting the very essence of national identity, Americans have been subjected to competing caricatures of the country’s history classrooms.

Students in Duval County gained the right to present graduation speeches of their choosing, which could include student-initiated prayers.

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