When Results Matter

Learn about District Academic and Financial Results

Your school board position holds many responsibilities. This module will assist you in finding your district academic and financial details. You will need to use the academic and financial details you gather to inform the community you serve as well as when you communicate to district personnel. 

This module also teaches you about student and parental rights which must be protected by you and your district.

Knowing the content of the curriculum that is being taught in public school is imperative. American education should be striving to increase academic success by using a curriculum that will benefit all students and promote the desire to learn. School boards should assert their power to influence what the students in their district are exposed to. A suitable education curriculum is paramount to successfully educating children.

Learn about the violation of privacy rights and parental permission that happens through student surveys conducted in schools:

Knowing the content of the curriculum that is being taught in public school is imperative. 

The sexualization of students has no place in America let alone in the classroom.  

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a charter created by the United Nations in 1948 in direct response to the atrocities of the Nazi regime. Article 26-3 states, “Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.” 

Why are school districts adding so many ancillary and competing services to your district? It certainly appears that your district wishes to become the community center.  But why?

It is imperative that all of us watch for legislation coming into our state government that will give them more authority to intrude into our lives.

Many bills may sound reasonable and helpful but we must understand the agenda to take parents out of the equation.

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