Community Issues

Learn about Current and Emerging Issues Affecting Your Community


Learn the details about the information to share with your community, your fellow board members, and your district personnel.

Communicating with your community is a large part of your job. Do not let anyone tell you to forward community comments, suggestions, or complaints to your district administrative staff.  Most community members will reach out because they have already tried to be heard by the district staff and did not receive a resolution. 

Some parents, community members and police are calling for cameras in the classroom:  Unless the school has a personal policy against having cameras on campus, legally it is acceptable to install them. School officials can also confirm with the school's lawyer.  Although many people cite privacy issues when it comes to security camera installation, it is not technically illegal to do so in the classroom.  If classroom cameras are rejected by your district, you can suggest that live streamed and recorded audio recordings can be completed.  

The preponderance of evidence does not support masking adults or children. Below are some resources of expert testimonies and research proving that masks are not only unnecessary to stop the spread of a virus but that they are indeed dangerous.

Below are a couple of resources to use when working to put Students First!  

The Federal Government has been involved in public education since 1787, when the Northwest Ordinance gave land so that education institutions could be created. As the nation grew, so did the amount of money given to fund education.

The document below is a brief historic overview.

Below are a couple of resources to use when working to put Students First!  

Here is a link to help you determine what books you need to clear out of your schools. These books are developmentally destructive and full of sexually explicit materials.

Are you sick of children being subjected to incessant, inaccurate and dangerous messages enlisting their support for or worse, their involvement in -- homosexuality or gender deviance? And often now, this indoctrination will be interwoven with racism lessons, as if sexual immorality is similar. Many schools allow or even celebrate these reckless, inaccurate messages on certain days and weeks during the academic calendar. Children in class will usually have no choice except to endure rainbow posters, library displays, cafeteria tables, special speakers/ assemblies, classroom lessons and school announcements promoting these LGBTQ+ events.

Current "research" seems to suggest that building age impairs learning. But is this really true? Research shows that uncomfortable learning conditions negatively affect learning. These conditions might include a lack of climate control, a leaky roof or poor lighting. But the research says nothing about the age of well-maintained schools affect on learning. For example, some of the most prestigious schools in the world date back to the 1600, 1700, and 1800's, but their learning environments have not negatively impacted learning outcomes. Therefore, demanding NEW buildings and NEW spaces is not the answer to poor academic performance. Let's take that excuse off the table, please.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has pointed out, "It pains me to say this, but in certain quarters, religious liberty is fast becoming a disfavored right. For many today, religious liberty is not a cherished freedom? Free speech, and especially religious speech, must be promoted and defended. In many countries around the world, people are not allowed to express their beliefs unless the government approves it. Unfortunately in America, because of people's misunderstanding of the law, religious expression is too often not allowed freely in public school classrooms. Religious freedom isn't free. It takes effort to maintain it. Join the Free to Speak campaign!

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