State-Specific Resources

A former high school teacher is suing a Kentucky school board, alleging negligence in failing to prevent the death of a student.

Disney is dropping its lawsuits against Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, apparently giving up its fight against his decision to pull the massive corporation’s special status as its own government that was granted to the Magic Kingdom years ago.

An Oregon public school district has agreed to pay $3.5 million for failing to prevent a former teacher from sexually abusing a 16-year-old student.

The Satanic Temple and an anti-religion watchdog have filed a lawsuit against a Tennessee school board for alleged discrimination.

Four of the largest school boards in the Canadian province of Ontario said Thursday they launched lawsuits against TikTok, Meta and SnapChat alleging the social media platforms are disrupting student learning.

The Wyoming legislature on Thursday passed a bill banning minors from receiving transgender treatments in the state.

The bellwether state of Ohio has become the 23rd state to protect children from transgender injections and surgeries, and the 24th to safeguard fairness and privacy in women’s sports, as lawmakers voted overwhelmingly to override the Republican governor’s veto.

A new poll of Missouri voters found strong support for various forms of school choice.

The Florida Legislature passed a law revising the funding processes of the state’s various school choice programs.

Modern-day teachers’ unions are major political actors with multimillion-dollar budgets and agendas often unrelated to reading, writing and arithmetic.

After two-years of deliberations, the Georgia General Assembly is on the brink of passing the state’s biggest school choice program ever.

The Ohio Department of Education has approved nearly 90,000 scholarships during the state’s first year of universal school choice.

A Colorado bill to tighten charter school regulations has faced strong resistance, including from the state’s Democrat governor.

Utah public schools will now have the ability to teach the Ten Commandments after a new law was passed in the Legislature.

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