State-Specific Resources

(School Board Duties) Volume 3, Title 10, Chapter 170, Section 220

(Public Records) Volume 1, Title 1, Chapter 14, Section 210

(Open Meetings) Volume 1, Title 1, Chapter 14, Section 225

After the state drastically expanded access to private school vouchers last year, use has surged in Ohio, particularly in suburbs and wealthy communities.

Should public schools raise taxes to cover payroll, even amid failing test scores? That's apparently what the St. Louis Public Schools district is considering: raising property taxes $6 million annually to help cover a $35 million operating budget shortfall, according to a report. The tax hike would not require approval from city voters.

An Appeals Court in the Western District of Missouri reinstated a jury verdict against a school district that allegedly denied a transgender person use of male restroom and locker room facilities.

The Missouri state auditor is fulfilling his campaign promise to proactively audit school districts and provide accountability to parents. Scott Fitzpatrick announced his office is starting with a review of the Independence School District (ISD) in the Kansas City area, childhood home of President Harry S. Truman.

Amid a nationwide influx of illegal immigrants, public schools such as Norfolk School District in Massachusetts are trying to soothe parents' concerns about the impact on their children's education.

A focus on Academics, parents' rights and instructional accountability is what Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis says his list of 23 school board candidates in the Aug. 20 primary bring to the table in their respective districts.

A suffocating blanket approach to student mental health is cutting back on teaching and classroom productivity, a Delaware legislator argues.

Leaders in the California Assembly announced they have come to an agreement to put a $10 billion bond issue on the ballot to address climate change in communities of color.

Nearly 300 teachers attended this year's Teacher Freedom Summit to learn how to counter tactics used by the [National Education Association] and [American Federation of Teachers], the two largest teachers' unions in the United States.

Advocates of current public schools often oppose Christian-based options, arguing religion has no place in government-funded education. In doing so, they disregard years of historical precedent where the nation intentionally supported and financed Christian instruction in public-school classrooms. The question has never been whether public education would be devoid of religious instruction, but to what extent the government should fund it.

Vice President Kamala Harris spearheaded an effort last year to push sexualized content and other liberal ideals in schools on behalf of the Biden administration.

PragerU, which creates educational videos on American values, has announced it will partner with Louisiana to provide the state's teachers resources to use in the classroom.

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