America First Legal (AFL) secured an important victory for the parents of Cedar Grove, New Jersey, when the U.S. Department of Education decided that the Cedar Grove School District violated the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA). According to the Department, the district violated the law by failing to provide parents with lawful prior notice of and a meaningful opportunity to opt their children out of the District’s “equity” and “diversity” surveys.
The PPRA is an important federal law that protects public school parents and children by guaranteeing parents the right to review the curriculum used to teach their children at school and to have prior notice of and a meaningful right to opt out of intrusive and biased surveys and studies of their children. Among other things, the PPRA prevents public schools from collecting information about political affiliations oliefs, the sex behavior or attitudes, and “critical appraisals of other individuals with whom respondents have close family relationships” (i.e. anything related to “white privilege” or “anti-racism”) of a student or her family.