A world without boys’ chapter books

For parents of reading-aged boys, though, the issue with radical progressive ideology in publishing isn’t just the indoctrination into matters of sexuality and race. Woke progressives see masculinity as toxic, something that must be snuffed out of boys. This agenda is pervasive in entertainment of all kinds produced for children — the heroes of past literature would never appear in modern children’s books of the present.

This is troubling from a number of angles. Children absolutely need to see themselves in literature, and when there is no literature being written for and by straight men, there is an entire generation of boys who grow up without role models in literature. Men comprise just 40.5% of the student body on college campuses and are more likely to drop out of high school — 6% for boys versus 4.2% for girls. The lack of connection that boys and young men have to literature taught in their schools and on their library shelves plays a role in their disaffection with learning.

Boy by Gabriel Tovar is licensed under Unsplash unsplash.com
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